Go With The Horse

These are the moments when we should make significant attempts to get out of the horse’s way, so to speak, and let him do his thing while we do our best to avoid interfering and being a hindrance.

Wrong Canter Lead? 5 Ways To Fix It!

Do you have trouble getting the “correct” lead when striking off into canter? The following five suggestions should give you a starting point. We’ll start from basic preparation to more advanced.

How You Know You Don’t Have Impulsion (Yet)

You can think of impulsion as a sort of health insurance policy for your horse. The better the movement (which is highly influenced by impulsion), the healthier your horse may be over the long term.

The Many Uses Of The Oval (Exercise)

Ride the circle but don’t diss the oval! If you want to throw a little line into your circles, the oval is a great option. Try this exercise for some challenging balance and transition development.