25 Ways To Make Impulsion Work For You

It’s true that developing “correct” impulsion may take years to fully learn and understand. But that doesn’t mean that even the most novice rider can’t learn it at the basic level, and use impulsion to help counter or completely eliminate riding problems as they arise.

4 Steps To Better Movement

Improving the horse’s movement is one of the first things we should attempt to work on from the minute we get on the horse’s back. Here are four basic steps so you can get started with your own horse.

3 Steps To A Quieter Leg Position

The thing is, the harder we try to keep the legs from moving, the more they swing, tighten, and finally slide out of the stirrups! What to do? Here are three steps (pun intended!) to a quieter leg position.

Why We Dressage: The Rider

Because dressage training is rooted in the absolute basics that all horses will go through (whether or not the riders are aware), time spent on developing the dressage in the rider is never wasted!